Schlagwort-Archive: Günther Krabbenhöft

„BILD“ präsentiert schickaa-Buch BERLIN STREET STYLE

Die „BILD“-Zeitung schreibt: Was trägt die Hauptstadt? „Come as you are“ – Fotokünstler Björn Akstinat fand den Berlin-Style auf der Straße. Jetzt hat er daraus ein Buch gemacht („Berlin Street Style“, Midas-Verlag). 111 Berlinerinnen und Berliner in ihrer Alltagskleidung, die er auf der Straße ansprach. „Es kommt nicht darauf an, was man trägt“, sagt Akstinat, „sondern wie man es trägt. Die Straße ist ihr Laufsteg. Sie machen sich Gedanken, was sie dort zeigen.“ Anderthalb Jahre arbeitete er an dem Buchprojekt. reports on Berlin Street Style

Berlin Is The Capital Of Street Fashion

“Berlin – the greatest cultural extravaganza that one could imagine,” David Bowie once said. He had been living and composing in the German capital for several years. Many people think like him and consider Berlin to be the global center of alternative culture and street fashion. In fact, the city is home to thousands of extravagant and creative people who not only do extraordinary things but also dress exceptionally and particularly chic.

Although Berlin’s particular street fashion has long been a media topic, the first photobook about it has just been published – in German and in English. The author and photographer of the book called “Berlin Street Style” is Björn Akstinat. He is the founder of schickaa, the first RealStreetStyle blog in the German capital. For the blog and the book, he does not take pictures of models equipped by fashion companies. No, he photographs real chic residents of Berlin who crossed his path by chance, wearing their normal everyday clothes. So the focus is on people instead of brands. Another feature of Akstinat’s work are the sharp backgrounds of his photos. Since they are not blurry, viewers can see where the pictures were taken and better grasp the context.

Below you will find several pictures from Björn Akstinat’s new book. What do you think about the outfits and the style of the Berliners? Write about it in the comment sections!

Photographer Björn Akstinat is, among other things, the discoverer of the world-famous hipster grandpa Günther Krabbenhöft. At the release party of “Berlin Street Style” Krabbenhöft is having fun, holding the book in front of Akstinat’s face. The bilingual book with more than 100 photos on 260 pages can be ordered at all online bookstores.
